The school year is approaching rapidly. It will be here before we know it. Which is great. I am so tired of not being on a schedule. It was nice to begin with but now I cannot get anything done. A hasn't napped all summer long. Last night she layed down at 5pm and got up at 10pm and wanted to lay all night. I haven't been the gym either. The quality of child care that they provide during the summer isn't comparable to the girls who are in there during the school year.
This year K will be starting 6th grade. She is in middle school. It seems like only yesterday when she was walking into the school for kindergarten with her book bag that was bigger than she was. Now she is walking around with a cell phone and always stays held up in her room.
LT will be back in the first grade. He had some trouble last year. We were working to figure out what was going on and couldn't make a decision until the later part of the year. By then he was so far behind that there was no way to get him caught up. He has a severe form of dyslexia and some ADD. Now that we know what is going on we are better prepared for what he needs. He's playing soccer because he loves it and he is really good too. And he cannot wait to start Cub Scouts again. This year he will be a Wolf and able to do alot more.
DC will be my kindergartener. Boy do his teachers have it coming. I hope they are prepared to deal with his full force. I'm sure he will be fine but Jay is a little worried that we will be called to come and get him every week for misbehaving. He is also playing soccer this year. He is excited because he will be on the big kids team. I am excited for him.
A is getting big and mouthy. She talks so well and knows her ABCs already. She can spell her name and count as well. She is going to be so smart. But she is a drama queen. She will hang out with me again this year.
As for me. I am on my last year of my first degree. J is so excited but I don't think he realizes that I still have another two degrees to get before I am completely done. He will learn.
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