Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Life Lessons

I want my children to grow up with the valuable life lessons that everyone should know. I would normally write these down for them to read later to remind them of what they need to know. But if I write something in this house on a piece of paper it's sure to get lost. So I have decided to put them here. On the internet so that they have them forever.

Life Lesson #1: To my sons; always open the door for the lady behind you, or your date.
To my daughters; give him the opportunity to open the door for you.
My dad would always go out to the car for my bonus mom when she got home. Always, everyday, as soon as she pulled into the driveway he would get up and go outside and help her with whatever she had to bring in. Even if it was just a lunch box. That has made an impact on me.