Tonight I had my first lesson in Bingo. Real Bingo though, for money. Jay and Josh and Karrie have been going for about a month now and have really gotten into it. I can see why, it's FUN! So now we are going to have to come up with a schedule of how we are going to rotate playing bingo and watching the kids. He doesn't know it yet but yep, I believe that's going to happen.
Allie turns 1 on Sunday. I cannot believe my baby will be one. Chase turned 4 last week. I cannot believe that he is 4 years old already. He goes to school this year. As long as the government doesn't shut it down before we can get him in. I took him to the doctor on Tuesday. He had to get four shots and his finger pricked. Poor little fellow I felt so bad for him.
Now that Allie is a year old and Chase is 4, Jay and I have started the discussions of having another baby. I would love to have one more and at one time Jay wanted an entire football team. But now he is thinking that he might be done having babies. He doesn't want to be 65 and sitting at their high school graduation. And he didn't want to be 75 walking his daughter down the aisle. So we have made an appointment to go talk with a doctor about a vasectomy. While I am not totally for it, I do see his point and there is a part of me that would like to be done. But just yesterday a baby commerical came on tv and I about cried! I would love to have one more but I know that I do not want one right now or even 10 months from now and we aren't getting any younger with each passing day. So I have agreed to go and talk with a doctor.