On July 10th, 2010 our world changed! Allison Nichole Warrick was born at 215pm weighing 7lbs 4oz and 20 1/2 inches long. She is amazing! She has a headfull of brown hair. Although I see a little bit of red coming out in it. She is so precious to me. I can sit and hold her for hours, although the boys don't like it when I do. Especially Chase! He is a little jealous over her. I am nursing with her so every time I sit down to feed her he wants something. He will get use to everything I hope sooner rather than later.
Everyone is doing great. Daddy is happy with the new addition. Mommy is overjoyed with her little girl. Kylie is loving having a girl in the house. Landon helps out when he can. And Chase still hasn't touched her. I think he is a bit scared of her.
Everyone is doing great. Daddy is happy with the new addition. Mommy is overjoyed with her little girl. Kylie is loving having a girl in the house. Landon helps out when he can. And Chase still hasn't touched her. I think he is a bit scared of her.